10 Sheets

Keeping data in adjacent rows at the same level when any column is sorted.

The top row does have labels but 

I left clicked on a1, View, Freeze, 1 row

Then I picked any row, Clicked on Data, Sort Sheet, column a to z

I added a link to my Google Calendar 

Once you use the freeze sequence, is it a constant every time you use the sheet, if not how to create such a sheet?

Notes here https://pillplanning.blogspot.com/2023/08/10.html 

Managing multiple perscriptions that need refills on different dates

A                                  B                         C               D

A  Perscription name | Picked up date | Supply | Refill date
https://www.drugs.com/search.php?searchterm= Perscription name

B  Picked up date, just type the month day and year seperated by or type it 1/15/2024  or jan 15 2024 and the sheet will make it a date

C Supply is the number of days in that bottle

D  =B+C  Refill date

The number of refills are limited before you have to get the doc to give you another.
Another column Number of refills
B first picked up date + supply days in the bottle x number of refills = time to contact the doc for a new perscription

What pills to take when, another column 


01 wake, 02 breakfast 03 lunch 04 Dinner 05 Bed time

I used the numbers for this column, sorting this one would allow creating a print out of which to take at a particular time of the day

Sorting by renew lets you see which one comes first.
Sorting by sequence allows you to create the time of day to take each
The renew field lets you know when it is time to go back to get another perscription.

Also used this to enter appointment dates

Instead of entering this info each time you picked up pills, it would be great if the pickup dates and renew dates could be entered into Googles calendar automatically